Editors Choice: The Best Games
Here at Pileetan, we invest our time and knowledge in giving you the upmost comfort and convenience when playing and checking out games. So for you, we have compiled some of the best games we have found of all categories, for Windows, Android, and iOS.
Top 5 Games Available Anywhere
- Real Driving Sim (Ovidiu Pop)

2. SimCity Build It (Electronic Arts)

The objective of SimCity Build It is to create and grow a prosperous virtual city. As Mayor, you lay down the roads, place houses, stores, and factories, collect taxes, and arrange deals with other cities. You must also provide services for your citizens, the Sims, when the options become available—power, water, sewage treatment, sanitation, and education. If you neglect expanding services and the overall city upkeep, your Sims move out, you lose tax revenue, and the city stagnates. First, though, they can and will talk back to you (with their words appearing in an opinion bubble above a house or other property), tell you what's working and what isn't, although their responses are admittedly canned. Have fun and grow your own city with YOUR choices!
3. Fortnite (Epic Games)

Love combat? Fortnite is perfectly made for users who prefer to either play by themselves or with their friends. To achieve this, Fortnite offers several different default game modes. These include solo, duos, and squads. As the names suggest, solo is for when users want to play as a team of one, duos are for teams of two, and squads allows for up to four people to play together at once. What's nice is that if you want to fight alongside other players but don't have any friends online, you can automatically be paired together with other people playing the game. If a player wants to survive, they're going to need to move around the map and either find guns and explosives or open crates that provide a random array of items that the user might want. Additionally, players should stock up on healing items and shields. As the character can take damage from opposing gamers, they will want to reheal when possible. Join the game, and fight to survive in this 100 PvP battle royale game!
4. Hello Neighbour (TinyBuild Games)

Hello Neighbor is a stealth horror game about sneaking into your neighbor's house to figure out what horrible secrets he's hiding in the basement. You play against an advanced AI that learns from your every move. Really enjoying climbing through that backyard window? Expect a bear trap there. Sneaking through the front door? There'll be cameras there soon. Trying to escape? The Neighbor will find a shortcut and catch you. Find out what your neighbour is hiding through this insanely clever game!
5. Basketball Stars (Miniclip Games)
Basketball Stars is an interesting twist on the simple sport genre. It's a bit flicky in its nature, but there's actually a lot more going on under the bonnet here. Namely a surprisingly interesting multiplayer game. Rather than just taking shots and chasing a high score, here you're playing against an opponent. And there's a second game mode that replicates one-on-one basketball duels, with one of you trying to block the other's shots. While it does lose its excitement after a couple of hours or so, you'll still find yourself coming back to it from time to time, shooting some hoops and making some bets to back up your skills. Come shoot some hoops and test what you have against other players!
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